A. Background of Study
One of four skills which should be comprehended by English learners is reading skills. Reading skills is necessary for learners to access information and understand texts r literatures in English. Besides, books and books about teaching reading skills strategies for TESOL (Teacher of English to Speaker of Other Language) are published. It indicates that reading skills is a serious problem which should get more attention from English teachers.
In Junior and Senior High School curriculum, reading is one of the competence standards conducted to the students. In KTSP curriculum, one of reading competences which should be learnt by them is: to comprehend the meaning of short functional texts and essays in the form of narrative, descriptive text, and news item in the context of daily life activities and to access knowledge. This kind of reading competence has even been conducted since they are at junior high school. In addition, the questions in National Examination (Ujian Nasional) in English subject contain those kinds of texts and the students are asked to comprehend them.
As mentioned, one of the kinds of texts is narrative texts. Narrative text is a text about telling a story which tells conflicts among the participants and there is a plot of problem-solving in it. In English handbook at schools, students may find some narrative texts in it. And there is usually a set of reading comprehension referred the text after the teacher read the text for them. Usually, there are five to ten questions related to the text, and the teacher can discuss it together with the class or the students do them (the questions) by themselves. The questions may contain: what is the main idea of paragraph one?, what does the word “he” refer to?, what did the man say to…., etc. Some students find it was easy to answer the questions, but some are not.
Teachers must be creative in their ways to teach the lessons to their students. The strategies of teaching should be easy, enjoyable, motivate, stimulate, and improve students’ ability. In Indonesia, more specific in North Sumatra, most teachers still use the individual method by letting the students followed what the teachers say, and they do the tasks individually. They seldom use the cooperative learning method, where some experts believe that “two heads are better than one”. The cooperative learning method provides several strategies in teaching, which may be applied too in other subjects (not only English, but can be applied in mathematic, geography, etc). The strategies are: The RoundTable, the Round Robin, The Jigsaw, Find-the-Fib, Outside/Inside the Circle, Numbered Heads Together (NHT), Think-Pair-Share, and the other strategies. All of those strategies allow the students to cooperate with their classmates rather than work individually. They may form into groups or in pairs (that is why I say, “two heads are better than one”). All students will get involved, enjoy the study, mobile the class, and enable them “to learn individually in grouping way”.
Two kinds of strategies recommended in cooperative learning to teach reading comprehension are the Numbered Heads Together (NHT) and the Think-Pair-Share strategies.
The NHT is a cooperative learning strategy that holds each student accountable for learning the material. Students are placed in groups and each person is given a number (from one to the maximum number in each group). The teacher poses a question and students “put their heads together” to figure out the answer. The teacher calls a specific number to respond as spokesperson for the group. By having students work together in a group, this strategy ensures that each member knows the answer to problems or questions asked by the teacher. Because no one knows which number will be called, all team members must be prepared.
Think-Pair-Share is a strategy designed to provide students with “food for thought” on a given topics enabling them to formulate individual ideas and share these ideas with another student. It is a learning strategy developed by Lyman and associates to encourage student classroom participation. Rather than using a basic recitation method in which a teacher poses a question and one student offers a response, Think-Pair-Share encourages a high degree of pupil response and can help keep students on task.
For this long, most schools still use the individual learning. They seldom apply the cooperative learning in teaching, while in developing countries; this method has been applied since 1990’s, even to the beginner students. For some students, it could be easy comprehending texts (in this case: narrative test) individually, but some are not. By individual learning, those who are known as “the bright students” will accelerate, but those who are not, will be left behind. Cooperative learning enable each students have the same opportunity to accelerate and improve their ability together as they work cooperatively.
B. Identification of Study
Based on the background of study, I can identify some problems:
1. The teacher teaches reading narrative text by direct method but most students still have difficulties in comprehending it.
2. The students always do reading comprehension narrative texts individually, but most of them still do not comprehend them.
3. The teacher never uses various strategies in teaching reading, so the students do not enjoy the study.
4. The students never get involved in groups to comprehend the reading texts, so that the acceleration does not equal among them.
C. Scope and Limitation of Study
Based on the identification of study, the scope of study will be the teaching strategies and their effect to students’ ability, and to get focused on the study, I limited the problem into three factors, i.e.: The Numbered Heads Together strategy, the Think-Pair-Share strategy, and students’ ability in reading comprehension narrative text. I limit them into the three factors because it is supposed that teaching reading with the NHT and TPS strategies will improve students’ ability in reading comprehension narrative text.
D. Formulation of Study
Dealing with the background and the research problem above, I will formulate the problems of the research as:
1. What strategies does the teacher use in teaching narrative text at MAS PAB Medan?
2. How is the students’ ability in comprehending narrative text at MAS PAB Medan?
3. Is there any significant difference between using Numbered Heads Together (NHT) and Think-Pair-Share (TPS) strategies to the students’ ability in reading comprehension narrative text?
E. The Objectives of Study
The aims of study are to find out:
1. The teacher’s strategies used in teaching narrative text
2. The students’ achievement in reading comprehension narrative text after using NHT strategy.
3. The students’ achievement in reading comprehension narrative text after using TPS strategy.
4. The significant differences of using NHT and TPS strategies to the students’ ability in reading comprehension narrative text.
F. Significances of Study
1. To the school, especially to the teachers, in order to use various methods/strategies in teaching (English).
2. To the students who study reading comprehension.
3. To other researcher who are interested in studying related research.
A. Theoretical Framework
Reading is one of the most important skills in learning language besides listening, writing, and speaking. The fundamental goal of any reading activity is knowing enough science concepts and knowing the language (i.e. comprehending/understanding).
Reading in the students’ native language and reading in a second language learned is quite a different matter. Reading in the target language is much more difficult for learners as they are required to have adequate knowledge of the language which has a different system, including vocabulary and structure as well as possible.
1.1. Definition of Reading
Reading is an active cognitive process of interacting with print and monitoring comprehension to establish meaning.
Reading may be defined as the meaningful interpretation of printed or written verbal symbols. As proficiency in reading increases, individuals learn to adapt their reading strategies in accordance with the purpose for reading task, therefore, changes as learners progress to the more mature levels. Reading is not one skill but a large number of highly interrelated skills that develop gradually over the year. (Haris, et. al., 1984: 13)
The definition above explains that reading is the combination of words recognition, intellectual, and emotion related to prior knowledge to access the message communicated.
1.2. Reading Comprehension.
Reading with comprehension means understanding what has been read. It is an active thinking process that depends not only on comprehension skills but also on the students’ experiences and prior knowledge. Comprehension involves understanding the vocabulary seeing the relationships among words and concepts, organizing ideas, recognizing the author’s purpose, making judgments, and evaluating.
Thus, reading comprehension is the process of understanding the message that the author is trying to convey (Farris, et. al., 2004: 321).Very simply, it is making meaning from the text at hand.
According to Kustanyo (1988: 12), specific reading comprehension skill could be divided into three levels of skills:
1. Literal reading
The literal level of comprehension is fundamental to all the reading skills at any level because a reader must first understand what the author said before he can draw an inference or make an evaluation. The literal level is considered to the easiest level of reading comprehension because a reader is not required to go beyond what the author actually said.
2. Inferential
Inferences are ideas which a reader receives when he goes beneath the surface to sense relationships, puts facts and ideas together to draw conclusions and makes generalizations, and detects the mood of the material. Making inferences requires author and more on personal insight.
3. Critical reading
Critical reading requires a higher degree of skill development and perception. Critical reading requires reading with an inquiring mind and with active, creative looking for false statements. It means questioning, comparing, and evaluating.
One of the most important comprehension skills is finding the main ideas. This could be a literal skill if the idea is directly stated, or an inferential skill if it is not directly stated. The main idea is the essence of the paragraph, or what the author is trying to get across to the reader. The following questions help the reader to have a plan after reading a passage.
1. What is the subject of the paragraph?
The subject of the paragraph is what the paragraph about –the topic being discussed.
2. What is the purpose of discussing the subject?
Is the purpose to inform, discuss, define, explain, defend, or criticize the subject?
3. What idea is the author trying to make the reader understand about the subject?
Narrative Text
The 2004 curriculum has been implemented in Indonesia since 2004. It emerges on the basis of the genre-approach that exposes the students to the use of various text types, i.e.: explanation, narrative, information, argumentation, recount, and instructional text. This research will be focused on the narrative text only because it will be conducted in the time of the research, and it is often found in students’ English text book, from the tenth to third grades.
General Concept of Narrative Text
Meyers (2005: 52) states that narrative is one of the most powerful ways of communicating with others. A good written story lets your readers response to some event in your life as if it were own. They do not only understand the event, but they can almost feel it. The action, details, and dialogue put readers in these seem and make it happen for them.
Moreover, Anderson (1997: 8) states that narrative is a piece of text tells a story and in doing so, entertains of informs the reader or listener.
In Curriculum 2004, narrative text is defined as a text which function to amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual or various experience in different ways. Narrative deals with problematic event lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind in turn finds a resolution.
From the definition above, I conclude that narrative text is a text which tells something in purpose to amuse and entertain people, and it contains a plot of conflict and resolution in its ending. So that, in narrative text, we may find:
b. What the characters look like (their appearance)
c. Where the action is taking place (the setting)
d. How things are happening (the action)
For further explanation, the characteristics of narrative texts are:
a. It tells us about a story of event or events.
b. The events are usually arranged in chronological order –that is, in the order I which they occurred in time.
c. The narrative has a purpose in mind in telling the story. There are some points the narrator wishes to make, or some impression he or she wishes, to convey to the reader.
Therefore, the details of the narrative are carefully selected for purpose. Narration is telling a story. And to be interesting, a good story must have interesting content. It should tell us an event as if a movie where the readers watch people in action and hear them speak there. Therefore, it should be detailed, clear, and arranged in order. At last, it must achieve the following goals:
It is unified, with all the action; a developing central idea.
It is interesting, it draws the readers into the action and makes them feel as if they are do serving and listening to the events.
It introduces the four ws of a setting –who, what, where, and when- within the context of the action.
It is coherent, transition indicates changes in time, location, and character.
It begins at the beginning and end at the end. That is, the narrative follows a chronological order –with events happening in a time sequence.
It builds towards a climax. This is the moment of most tension or surprise –a time when the ending is revealed or the importance of events becomes clear.
And the significant lexicogrammatical features of narrative text are:
Focus on specific and usually individualized participants.
Use of material processes, and verbal processes.
Use of relational process and mental process.
Use of temporal conjunctions and temporal circumstances.
Use of past tense. (Soeprapto and Darwis, 2006: 11).
Generic Structure of Narrative Text.
Neo (2005: 2) states –that a narrative has a structure, a shape or a pattern. It can be represented in this way:
a. Orientation/exposition: sets the scene and introduces the participants –both the main and possibly some minor characters. Some indication is generally given of where the action is located and when it is taking place.
b. Complication/rising action: Rising action, it refers to a series of complication leads to the climax.
c. The climax is the critical moment when problem/ conflicts demand something to be done about them.
d. Felling action is the moment away from the highest peak of excitement.
e. The resolution consists of the result or outcome. (Neo, 2005: 2)
While Anderson (1997: 8) stated that the steps for constructing a narrative text are:
a. Orientation/exposition The readers are introduced to the main characters and possibly some minor characters. Some indication is generally given of where the action is located and when it is taking place.
b. Complication/ rising action
The complication is pushed along by a serious of events, during which we usually expect some sort of complication or problem to arise. It just would not be so interesting if something unexpected did not happen. This complication will involve the main characters and oven serves to (temporally) toward them from reaching their goal.
c. Sequence of event/Climax
This is where the narrator tells how the character reacts to the complication. It includes their feeling and what they do. The event can be told in chronological order (the order in which they happen) or with flashback. The audience is given the narrator’s point of view.
d. Resolution/ falling action
In this part, the implication may be resolved for better or worse, but it is rarely left completely unresolved (although this is of course possible in certain types of narrative which leaves us wondering “How did it end”?)
e. Reorientation
It is an optional closure of event.
Types of Narrative Text.
According to Neo (2005: 58-59), types of narrative text are:
2.3.1. Humor A humorous narrative is one of that aims to make audience laugh as a part of telling story. Here is typical structure:
a. Orientation : the narrator tells the funny characters names in unusual setting.
b. Complication : in this part, something crazy happen.
c. Sequence of event : there are many imaginative ideas here funny things said by characters and extraordinary things happening to ordinary people.
d. Resolution : All’s well that end well. (Neo, 2005: 58)
2.3.2. Romance The romance narrative typically tells of two lovers who overcome difficulties to end up together. Here are the usual features:
a. Orientation: it contains hunk male and female who is looking for love, exotic setting, sun set, beaches, and moonlight.
b. Complication: boy meets girl.
c. Sequence of event: it contains the development relationship, jealously, love, hurt, pain, warm, sharing, and overcoming problems.
d. Resolution: boy gets girl, marry and live happily ever after. (Neo, 2005: 59)
2.3.3. Historical Feature Here are the features of a typical historical fiction text:
a. Orientation: a setting in the past and description of a period in history.
b. Complication: good meets evil
c. Sequence of event: action related to a period in history, character’s lives affected by the events of history, description of live at the time.
d. Resolution: characters survive the chaos of the time (for example, the war ends). (Neo, 2005: 59)
2.3.4. The Diary Novel This type of narrative has the text presented like diary entries. Here are the features of a typical diary- novel:
a. Orientation: main character is the narrator. Time setting is given by diary entries.
b. Complication: given one of diary entries. It can be related to romance, adventure, humor, mystery, or other type.
c. Sequence of event: diary entries tell of feelings, hopes, and happening.
d. Reorientation: the narrator tells what happens to solve the complication. (Neo, 2005: 60)
2.3.5. Fantasy Below are the features of a typical fantasy narrative:
a. Orientation: setting may be in another dimension with goals, witches, wizard, and so son. Hero who may has magical power.
b. Complication: evil forces affect the goodies.
c. Sequence of event: use of magic. Action includes elves, dragons and mystical beasts, heroism.
d. Resolution: God defeats evil forces. (Neo, 2005: 60)
2.3.6. Science Fiction Science fiction narrative is the setting involving science and technology. Here are the typical features of the text type:
a. Orientation: a feature setting and a world with technology.
b. Complication: an evil force threatens the world.
c. Sequence of event: imaginative description. Action involves technology, science, and super invention.
d. Resolution: good defeats evil.
e. Coda: take care that science is used for good, not evil.
(Neo, 2005: 61)
3. Reading Narrative Text
Similarly, the number of theories of reading is simply overwhelming: what it is, how it is acquired and taught, how reading in a second language differs from reading in a first language, how reading relates to other cognitive and perceptual abilities, how it interfaces with memory. All these aspects or reading are important, but will probably never be brought together into a coherent and comprehensive account of what it is we do when we read. Added to this are the inevitable complications when we consider the complexities of analyzing texts: since the nature of what we read must have some relation to how we read, then text analysis must be relevant to theories of reading. (Alderson, 2001: 1)
Like writing, reading is an act of composition. When we write, we compose thoughts on paper: when we read, we compose meaning in our minds. Thoughtful, active readers use the text to stimulate their own thinking and engage with the mind of the writer. (Farris, et. al., 2004: 476)
Reading narrative text is often referred to as aesthetic reading because one reads it for enjoyment and pleasure.
4. The Cooperative Learning Method: The Numbered-Heads-Together (NHT) and The Think-Pair-Share (TPS) Strategies.
4.1. The Definition of The Cooperative Learning Method.
The cooperative (language) learning (some literatures abbreviate it into CLL) is a method developed by Kagan. This method of organization may require team-building activities for home-groups and topic groups, long-term group involvement and rehearsal of presentation method. This method is very useful in the multi-level class, allowing for both homogeneous and heterogeneous grouping in terms of English proficiency. (Richards, et. al., 1998: 198)
4.2. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Cooperative Learning Method.
As the Cooperative Learning requires grouping, it has some advantages and disadvantages in the same time (Harmer, 2004: 116)
a. The Advantages
- It reinforces a sense of belonging among the group members, something which we as teacher need to foster. If everyone is involved in the same activity, then we are all ‘in it together’. Such experience gives us points of common reference to talk about and can be used as reason to bond with each other. It is much easier for student to share an emotion such as happiness or amusement in a whole class setting.
- It is suitable for activities where the teacher is acting as a controller. It is especially good for giving explanation and instruction, where smaller group would mean having to do this thing more than once. It is an ideal way of showing material whether in pictures texts or on audio or video tape. It is also more cost-efficient, both in terms of material production and organization, than other groupings can be.
- It allows teacher to ‘gouge the mood’ of the class in general it is a good way for us to get understanding of student progress.
- It is preferred class style in many educational setting where students and teachers feel secure when the whole class is working in lockstep, and under the direct authority of the teacher.
b. The Disadvantages
- It favors the group rather than the individual. Everyone is forced to do the same thing at the same time and the same pace.
- Individual student do not have much of a chance to say anything and on their own.
- Many students are disinclined to participate in front of the whole class since to do bring with it the risk of public failure.
- It may not encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning. Whole class teaching favors the transmission of knowledge from teacher to the students rather than having students discover things or research thing for them.
- It is not the best way to organize communicative language teaching or specially task based sequences communication between individuals is more difficult in group of twenty or thirty than it is in groups of four or five in the smaller groups. It is easier to share material, speak quietly and less formally, and make good eye contact all of these contribute to successful task resolution.
Nevertheless, applying grouping (cooperative) methods in teaching really depends on the material will be given and the situation or condition of the class. So, a teacher must be able to select either direct or cooperative method in her/his teaching.
4.3.Reading Comprehension Skills in The Perspective of Cooperative Learning Method
Palincsar and Brown (1984) found that comprehension could be improved by teaching students summarizing, questioning, clarifying, questioning, classifying, and predicting skills. Here, in Cooperative Learning, a major objective of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC –a comprehensive program for teaching reading, writing, and language arts in the upper elementary grades, see Slavin, 1995: 104-105) is to use cooperative teams to help students learn broadly applicable reading comprehension skills. So, it is possible to integrate those comprehension skills in teams. Several components of CIRC are directed toward this end. The components are:
- Follow-up: Students work within cooperative teams on these activities, which are coordinated with reading-group instruction, in order to meet objectives in such areas as reading comprehension, vocabulary, decoding, and spelling. Students are motivated to work with one another on these activities by the use of a cooperative reward structure in which they may earn certificates or other recognition based on the learning of all team members.
- Oral Reading: One objective of the CIRC program is to greatly increase students’ opportunities to read aloud and receive feedback on their reading by having students read to teammates and by training them in how to respond to one another’s reading.
- Reading Groups: If reading groups are used, students are assigned to two or three reading groups according to their reading level, as determined by their teachers. Otherwise, instruction is given to the whole class.
- Teams: Students are assigned to pairs (or triads) within their reading groups, and then the pairs are assigned to teams composed of partnerships from two reading groups or levels.
- Story-Related Activities: Students use either novels or basal readers. Stories are introduced and discussed in teacher-led reading groups that meet for approximately twenty minutes each day. In these groups, teachers set a purpose for reading, introduce new vocabulary, review old vocabulary, discuss the story after students have read it, and so on. Story discussion are structured to emphasize such skills as making and supporting predictions and identifying the problem in a narrative.
- Partner Reading: students read the story silently and then take turns reading the story aloud with their partner, alternating each paragraph. The listener corrects any errors the reader may make. The teacher assesses student performance by circulating and listening in as students read to each other.
- Story Grammar and Story-Related Writing: Students are given questions (“Treasure Hunts”) related to each story that emphasize the story grammar –the structure that underlies all narratives. Halfway through the story, they are instructed to stop reading and to identify the characters, the setting, and the problem in the story, and to predict how the problem will be resolved. At the end of the story students respond to the story as a whole and write a few paragraphs on a topic related to it (e.g.: they might be asked to write a different ending to the story).
- Tests: At the end of three class periods, students are given a comprehension test on the story, asked to write meaningful sentences for each vocabulary word, and asked to read the word list aloud to the teacher. Students are not permitted to help one another on these tests. The rest scores an evaluations of the story-related writing are major components of students’ weekly team scores.
- Direct Instruction in Reading Comprehension: One day each week, students receive direct instruction in specific reading comprehension skills, such as identifying main ideas, understanding casual relations, and making inferences. A step-by-step curriculum was designed for this purpose. After each lesson, students work on reading comprehension activities as a team, first gaining consensus on one set of worksheet items and then assessing one another and discussing any remaining problems on a second set of items.
4.4. The Numbered Heads Together(NHT) and The Think-Pair-Share (TPS) Strategies.
Olsen and Kagan (1992: 88) describes the following examples of Cooperative Learning activities:
- Three-step interview: (1) Students are in pairs; one is interviewer and the other is interviewee. (2) Students reverse roles. (3) Each shares with team member what was learned during the two interviews.
- Roundtable: There is one piece of paper and one pen for each team. (1) One student makes a contribution and (2) passes the paper and pen to the student of his or her left. (3) Each student makes contributions in turn. If done orally, the structure is called Round Robin.
- Think-Pair-Share: (1) Teacher poses a question (usually a low-consesus question). (2) Students think of a response. (3) Students discuss their responses with a partner. (4) Students share their partner’s response with the class.
- Solve-Pair-Share: (1) Teacher poses a problem (a low-consensus or high-consensus item that may be resolved with different strategies). (2) Students work out solutions individually. (3) Students explain how they solved the problem in Interview or Round Robin structures.
- Numbered-Heads: (1) Students number off in teams. (2) Teacher asks a question (usually high-consensus). (3) Heads Together –students literally put their heads together and make sure everyone knows and can explain the answer. (4) Teacher calls a number and students with that number raise their hands to be called on, as in traditional classroom.
Stone (2000:72) recommended TPS and NHT to be implemented in teaching reading. That is why I will study about the implementation of the two strategies on teaching reading, in this research, narrative text.
4.4.1. The Numbered-Heads-Together (NHT) Strategy
Numbered Heads Together is a cooperative learning strategy that holds each student accountable for learning the material. Students are placed in groups and each person is given a number (from one to the maximum number in each group). The teacher poses a question and students "put their heads together" to figure out the answer. The teacher calls a specific number to respond as spokesperson for the group. By having students work together in a group, this strategy ensures that each member knows the answer to problems or questions asked by the teacher. Because no one knows which number will be called, all team members must be prepared.
This cooperative learning strategy promotes discussion and both individual and group accountability. This strategy is beneficial for reviewing and integrating subject matter. Students with special needs often benefit when this strategy is used. After direct instruction of the material, the group supports each member and provides opportunities for practice, rehearsal, and discussion of content material. Group learning methods encourage students to take greater responsibility for their own learning and to learn from one another, as well as from the instructor (Terenzini & Pascarella, 1994).
How Makes It Happen
1. Divide the students into groups of four and give each one a number from one to four.
2. Pose a question or a problem to the class.
3. Have students gather to think about the question and to make sure everyone in their group understands and can give an answer.
4. Ask the question and call out a number randomly.
5. The students with that number raise their hands, and when called on, the student answers for his or her team.
Stone said that, NHT is a simple four-step structure which strengths are in building mastering and in reviewing previously learned information. In step one, the students on each team number off from 1 to 4. In step two, on a team of only 3, team member #3 answers when number 3 and 4 are called. On a team of 5, team members #4 and #5 both answer when number 4 is called. The teacher then asks a high consensus question. Rather than asking a simple knowledge or comprehension question, ask a question with multiple responses. In step three, the students put their head together, discuss the correct answers and make sure that everyone knows the answer. In step four, the teacher calls a number and those students raise their hands to respond. (Stone, 2000: 72)
Stone also suggested what he called as Heads Back Together, i.e.: when a teacher asks a question and only a couple of the group respond, the teacher should have all the groups put their heads back together. The teacher might say, “Not enough #2’s have their hands up, put your heads together and make sure all #2’s can answer the question.” Teacher may also vary the order of numbers called to respond by using a spinner, dice, or pulling numbers from a hat.
4.4.2. The Think-Pair-Share (TPS) Strategy
Think-Pair-Share is a strategy designed to provide students with "food for thought" on a given topics enabling them to formulate individual ideas and share these ideas with another student. It is a learning strategy developed by Lyman and associates to encourage student classroom participation. (Slavin, 1995: 132) Rather than using a basic recitation method in which a teacher poses a question and one student offers a response, Think-Pair-Share encourages a high degree of pupil response and can help keep students on task.
The Purpose of the TPS Strategy
Providing "think time" increases quality of student responses.
Students become actively involved in thinking about the concepts presented in the lesson.
Research tells us that we need time to mentally "chew over" new ideas in order to store them in memory. When teachers present too much information all at once, much of that information is lost. If we give students time to "think-pair-share" throughout the lesson, more of the critical information is retained.
When students talk over new ideas, they are forced to make sense of those new ideas in terms of their prior knowledge. Their misunderstandings about the topic are often revealed (and resolved) during this discussion stage.
Students are more willing to participate since they do not feel the peer pressure involved in responding in front of the whole class.
Think-Pair-Share is easy to use on the spur of the moment.
Easy to use in large classes.
Stone (2000: 172) stated that TPS offers all students an opportunity to express their response to a question or discussion topic. In a traditional classroom, the teacher asks a question and only one or two students have the opportunity to respond. Using TPS, the teacher asks a question and gives the students think time. (The length of the think time varies as to the complexity of the question or problem). At he teacher’s signal, the students share their answers with partners, allowing all students to respond. Students are then invited to share their responses with their responses with the whole class.
The flexibility and power of TPS makes it easy to implement and use in the classroom. Students can be seated anywhere in the classroom: at a class meeting, in desks, in their teams, or in line. Every time the teacher stops to ask a question or invite a response, the students are actively involved with the lesson. To encourage individual accountability, the teacher can vary the way the responses are shared within the classroom.
How Makes it Happens
With students seated in teams of 4, have them number them from 1 to 4.
Announce a discussion topic or problem to solve. (Example: Which room in our school is larger, the cafeteria or the gymnasium? How could we find out the answer?)
Give students at least 10 seconds of think time to THINK of their own answer. (Research shows that the quality of student responses goes up significantly when you allow "think time.")
Using student numbers, announce discussion partners. (Example: For this discussion, Student #1 and #2 will be partners. At the same time, Student #3 and #4 will talk over their ideas.)
Ask students to PAIR with their partner to discuss the topic or solution.
Finally, randomly call on a few students to SHARE their ideas with the class.
Teachers may also ask students to write or diagram their responses while doing the Think-Pair-Share activity. Think, Pair, Share helps students develop conceptual understanding of a topic, develop the ability to filter information and draw conclusions, and develop the ability to consider other points of view.
One activity of TPS strategies which is reliable to be implemented in teaching reading narrative text is what Stone called as Fantasy vs. Reality. Here, students sort out the fantasy and reality in any story that intermingles them. This activity uses story book (e.g.: Jumanji, by Chris Van Allsburg, The Phantom Tollbooth, by Norton Juster, The Polar Express, by Chris Van Allsburg, Wrinkle In Time, by Madeline L. Engle, etc.), any book that combines the use of reality and fantasy may be substituted. (Stone, 2000: 174-175)
The steps of Fantasy vs. Reality are:
· Ask students to Think about what their feelings were during the reading. How did the illustrations make them feel? What feelings did they have for the children and what they did? Students Pair and discuss. Students Square and discuss. Ask for anyone who wishes to share their teams ideas with the class.
· Distribute one Fantasy vs. Reality handout to each student. Reread the first four pages (or paragraphs, if you do not want to spend a long time) of the text to the students and share the pictures with them. Ask them to Think about the appearance of the participant. Students write on their note sheet the believable events (reality) and the unreal events (fantasy). Students Pair and share with partner. Encourage students to Share ideas on a class chart.
· Some sample questions might be: What impact does the fantasy have on the story? Does the use of fantasy and reality in the story hold the reader’s interest or is it distracting? Is reality or fantasy the main thread woven throughout the story>
· Optional: Ask students to Think-Write-Pair as to what they think might be the next event in the story. Students work in pairs to create the next episode of the story, using both reality and fantasy. Stories can be shared within teams and then across teams.
4.4.3. Some Variation in Using NHT and TPS Variation in NHT
- Thumbs up: after a student responds, the teacher can have the others who are standing agree or disagree with a thumbs up or thumbs down.
- Shared Responses: in a multiple part answer, the teacher can have students from different teams each give a part of the response.
- Simultaneous response: All students responding can simultaneously give the answer on the count of three.
- Blackboard response: All students responding can write the answer on the chalkboard or on a team slate. Variation in TPS
- Showing Character: When talking about character development, students listen and think of the ways the author not just described, but “showed”, who the character was. Students Pair and Share.
- What Would You Do: Stop at a decision-making point in a book (or a passage, Writer), and have the students Think about what they would do if they were the character. Students Pair and Share.
- What’s My Line: Cut out large pictures of different, well-known people and events. Show students a picture and have them Think of the significance of the picture. Students Pair and Share.
- Storytelling with Drawings: Pick a story with a cumulative story line (e.g.: Millions of Cats by Wanda Gag, The Little House by Virginia Burton, And to Think I saw it on Mulberry Street by Dr. Seuss). Ask students to Think of one of the objects in the story, to Draw it on an overhead transparency, and to Share it with the class. As the story is retold, stack the transparencies on the overhead to illustrate the story.
- Spelling Review: Say a spelling word. Ask the students to Think about how it is spelled, to Write it on a Think pad, to Square with their team members (for correction) and to Pair with a partner to use it in a sentence.
- Predictions: Students Think about the story they have heard so far. They Pair and Share what their predictions are for the next part of the story. Students Square to share with their team.
B. Related Studies
1. Zuhriyatus Sa’adah, Metode Think-Pair-Share dan Numbered Heads Together dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Jerman di SMA Negeri Gondanglegi (2009). This research is a quantitative research using the research design of experiment quotient. The findings in this research show that the students’ response to TPS and NHT strategies are positive enough and she concluded that students who were taught using NHT strategy got better results than those who were taught using TPS.
2. Ratri Harida, A Study on the Teaching of Narrative Text Based on the 2004 Curriculum at SMA Negeri 8 Malang (2006). She used descriptive qualitative method in her research. She found that the teaching of narrative text based on the 2004 curriculum in SMAN 8 Malang was not ideal. The students had difficulties in understanding the teacher’s talks, using the right grammatical structures and diction to express their ideas and arranging them into good narrative text. The teacher’s pre-test only measured the students’ grammar and vocabulary and taught lexicogrammatical features during the modeling stage.
C. Conceptual Framework
Numbered Heads Together is a strategy where students are placed in groups and each person is given number (from one to the maximum number in each group). The teacher can apply this strategy to improve students’ skills in reading comprehension where the teacher will ask a spokesperson to answer the questions or solve a problem. As the number assigned randomly, each student must prepare himself.
Think-Pair-Share is a strategy where students are given “time to think” and share their ideas with another students (his pair). It will help them to cooperate and solve their problems in reading.
Students’ ability in reading comprehension narrative text means that the students are able to identify main ideas, understand casual relations, and make inferences from a text (passage) which genre is narrative.
Students’ ability in reading comprehension narrative textFor this research, the conceptual thinking is: Is there any significant influence between using NHT and TPS strategies on the students’ ability in reading comprehension narrative text? Where the schema will be like this:
Using NHT Strategy
Using TPS Strategy
Students’ ability in reading comprehension narrative text
D. Hypothesis
Ha : There is significance differences of using Numbered Heads Together and Think-Pair-Share Strategies to the students’ ability in reading comprehension narrative text.
Ho : There is significance differences of using Numbered Heads Together and
Think-Pair-Share Strategies to the students’ ability in reading comprehension narrative text.
A. Location of the Research
This research will be conducted at MAS PAB 2 Medan on Jl. Veteran, Helvetia, Medan. This location is chosen because:
The writer found the problem of the research there.
There is no same research in this location.
To make the time and cost efficient, as the location of the research is near to my house.
B. Population and Sample
a. Population
Population is a number of persons or things to observe in a research.
The population in this research will be all of the first year students of MAS PAB 2 Medan where it has two classes (X1 and X2) and each class consists of 35 students. So the total population is 70 students. This data is very possible to change because the research may be conducted in August, and the population of the first year student may vary from this number.
b. Sample
According to Ibnu Hajar (1996: 133), sample is a small unit of individual that exactly include in a research.
From the calculation above, it is known that the number of population is 70 students. To take the sample, according to Suharsimi Arikunto, if the population is less than 100 persons, than all of the population may become the sample. So I will take 70 students as the sample.
C. Operational Definition
Independent Variable (X1): Numbered Heads Together strategy is a cooperative learning strategy that lets students get cooperated in their groups but still enables them to learn by themselves, as each students will be numbered (from one to the maximum number in each group). The teacher will poses a question (some questions), students will think the answer along with their groups, and the teacher will call out one spokesperson from each group, so that everyone must prepare their answer.
Independent Variable (X2): Think-Pair-Share is a strategy that will give students time to think their answer individually, and lets them share the answer with partner. Then the teacher will call out anyone to represent their pairs. This strategy enables the students to think the question and answer it, and allow them to share their thoughts with another student.
Dependent Variable (Y): The students’ ability in reading comprehension narrative text. The indicators are:
- The students are able to identify the subject of the narrative text.
- The students are able to identify the characters of the participants in the narrative text.
- The students are able to identify the setting in the narrative text.
- The students are able to explain the problems, conflicts, happening, and resolution of the narrative text.
- The students are able to identify the main idea(s) in the narrative text.
Besides the scoring based on the content as mentioned above, it is also indicated that the students use the right vocabulary and grammar when they identify/explain the content of the passage.
The indicator of using the right vocabulary: using good, appropriate, and various vocabularies.
The indicators of using the right grammar:
- Using the right tense (in narrative text, it usually uses The Simple Past Tense)
- Mastering the sentence construction.
D. Research Instruments
Observation guide.
I will use observation guide to find out the scopes of observation, they are: the location, facilities, and condition of class at the location of research.
The tests given are essay tests containing 10 questions to comprehend students’ understanding after reading narrative text with the procedures given.
E. Technique of Collecting Data
I will observe the location of the research to check the condition of the school, the teaching-learning activities, and the students.
After teaching with the NHT and/or the TPS strategies, the teacher will distribute some tests to test students’ comprehending in reading narrative text. The procedures are:
- distributing the test material to the students
- giving instruction that the test should be done directly
- specifying the time
- reading the test direction
- collecting the test when the time is up
- evaluating the score
F. Technique of Data Analysis
After getting the data from the location of study, I will analyze it by using “t test” formula. I use this formula because I want to know is there any significant difference between using the NHT and the TPS strategies on the students’ ability in reading comprehension narrative text, and the formula is:
M1 = Mean of the first group
M2 = Mean of the second group
Alderson, J. Charles, Assessing Reading, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000
Anderson, Mark, Text Type in English 2, Australia: Macmillan, 1997
Arikunto, Suharsimi, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Yogyakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1998.
Farris, Pamela J.,, Teaching Reading: A Balanced Approach For Today’s Classrooms, New York: McGraw Hill, 2004.
Hajar, Ibnu, Dasar-dasar Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif dalam Pendidikan, Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada, 1996.
Harmer, Jeremy, English Language Teaching, New York: Longman, 2004.
Karolina, Intan, “Teaching Narrative Text in Improving Writing to the Tenth Graders Students of SMA Negeri 1 Petarukan Pemalang” thesis for Sarjana Pendidikan, Semarang: Perpustakaan (on line) UNS 2006, t.d.
Kustaryo, Sukirah, Reading Techniques for College Students, Jakarta: Depdikbud Dirjen Dikti P2LPTK, 1998.
Neo, Ernest,. Narrative for ‘O’ Level. Malaysia: Longman, 2005.
Reid, Joy M., Ed., Understanding Learning Styles in the Second Language Classroom, Wyoming: Prentice Hall Regents, 1998.
Richards, Jack C. and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, Wyoming: Prentice Hall Regents, 1998.
Sitorus, Ramlan,, “Statistik Pendidikan”, students’ handout, Medan: Faculty of Tarbiyah IAIN SU, 2007, t.d.
Slavin, Robert E., Cooperative Learning, Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon, 1995.
Soeprapto, FA and Mariana Darwis, Linked to The World 3: English for Senior High School, Jakarta: Yudhistira, 2006.
Stone, Jeanne M., Cooperative Learning Reading Activites: Kagan Cooperative Learning, California: Kagan Publishing, 2000.
Rabu, 29 April 2009
Surat Hati
: juriani
sebuah surat hati kaubaca di kolong jembatan di bawah kaki malam tanpa mega; memoar yang gelisah merunut keabsurdan. bahwa kita tak perlu sebongkah khotbah untuk mendengar mereka yang kelaparan....dan yang menggelepar di ruang rapat itu, mungkin kausebut keadilan, kan?
semua dunia ini maya, masih saat kaujawab interupsi gilaku dengan doa. dan cinta? sungguh, mereka tak mampu menggilasnya, sebab ia telah begitu purba.
Medan, 230308
(kalian masih percaya ta’liful qulub itu ada, kan, sobat?)
sebuah surat hati kaubaca di kolong jembatan di bawah kaki malam tanpa mega; memoar yang gelisah merunut keabsurdan. bahwa kita tak perlu sebongkah khotbah untuk mendengar mereka yang kelaparan....dan yang menggelepar di ruang rapat itu, mungkin kausebut keadilan, kan?
semua dunia ini maya, masih saat kaujawab interupsi gilaku dengan doa. dan cinta? sungguh, mereka tak mampu menggilasnya, sebab ia telah begitu purba.
Medan, 230308
(kalian masih percaya ta’liful qulub itu ada, kan, sobat?)
Di Tebing Curam
di tepi jurang aku berdoa;
semoga robek tirai dunia
dan yang tampak
WajahMu saja
di tepi jurang aku berdoa;
agar pertemuanku
husnul khotimah
sehingga kuberpisah dengan bangga
di tebing curam aku berdoa;
semoga perut-perut itu kenyang
karena aku telah menyakralkan
NamaMu di Bumi Rindang
...Ahad, Ahad...
Medan, 180308
semoga robek tirai dunia
dan yang tampak
WajahMu saja
di tepi jurang aku berdoa;
agar pertemuanku
husnul khotimah
sehingga kuberpisah dengan bangga
di tebing curam aku berdoa;
semoga perut-perut itu kenyang
karena aku telah menyakralkan
NamaMu di Bumi Rindang
...Ahad, Ahad...
Medan, 180308
: akhir tualang
akhirnya tuan gembala
pulang dengan cinta di genggamannya
kau mungkin tak terkejut
ia menghalau domba sebelum senja
tapi senja itu sudah menjadi
malam yang renta
...di hatiku
terlalu rapuh benang gerimis
kurajut kaca,
sebab kemudian ia pecah
dengan tangis hamba
sang gembala yang mengembara
di malam yang tinggal sepertiga
domba-dombamu telah menemukan
tuan dan sarang sejatinya?
Medan, 100308
akhirnya tuan gembala
pulang dengan cinta di genggamannya
kau mungkin tak terkejut
ia menghalau domba sebelum senja
tapi senja itu sudah menjadi
malam yang renta
...di hatiku
terlalu rapuh benang gerimis
kurajut kaca,
sebab kemudian ia pecah
dengan tangis hamba
sang gembala yang mengembara
di malam yang tinggal sepertiga
domba-dombamu telah menemukan
tuan dan sarang sejatinya?
Medan, 100308
Sepasang Cahaya
: rumi dan lara croft
sepasang mata milik pandora
kurindui karena kupercaya
merekalah cinta Tuhan
secara sengaja
yang sakit sehat menatapnya,
yang sehat, sakit menafsirkannya
diam-diam, kucuri sepotong
cahaya mata pandora
sebab aku belum pernah
menemukan cinta serupa surga
menjadi malaikat atau setankah?
Medan, 150208
sepasang mata milik pandora
kurindui karena kupercaya
merekalah cinta Tuhan
secara sengaja
yang sakit sehat menatapnya,
yang sehat, sakit menafsirkannya
diam-diam, kucuri sepotong
cahaya mata pandora
sebab aku belum pernah
menemukan cinta serupa surga
menjadi malaikat atau setankah?
Medan, 150208
Tafsir Sakinah
: ied buat ummi
kututup buku “Tafsir Bahagia”
karangan Abu Hazan
dengan kepala denyut dan jiwa tercekam
kenapa aku merasa Abu Hazan seorang pendusta
apa karena namanya tak ada di buku sejarah?
kuikuti sarannya berkunjung ke rumah miskin.
“supaya bersyukur,” bujuk tintanya
aku terbahak menemukan gubuk fakir
ibuku yang sedang minum teh pahit
kamilah orang termiskin!
kukorek semangkuk senyum
dari altar sujud dan kampung mujahid,
ya! masih dengan sarannya!
tapi murung terlanjur menutup celah
di jendela hati-ku, ooh.. betapa saujana*
sambil tertidur di punggung sahabat
-juriani- yang ceria
Kulafalkan sebaris doa:
Tuhan! pinjamkan aku mimpi-mimpinya!
di meja makan tergeletak sebuah surat
: untuk Abu Hazan
sang pendusta
Tebing Tinggi, 151007
*sebuah lagu kesukaan seorang sahabat
kututup buku “Tafsir Bahagia”
karangan Abu Hazan
dengan kepala denyut dan jiwa tercekam
kenapa aku merasa Abu Hazan seorang pendusta
apa karena namanya tak ada di buku sejarah?
kuikuti sarannya berkunjung ke rumah miskin.
“supaya bersyukur,” bujuk tintanya
aku terbahak menemukan gubuk fakir
ibuku yang sedang minum teh pahit
kamilah orang termiskin!
kukorek semangkuk senyum
dari altar sujud dan kampung mujahid,
ya! masih dengan sarannya!
tapi murung terlanjur menutup celah
di jendela hati-ku, ooh.. betapa saujana*
sambil tertidur di punggung sahabat
-juriani- yang ceria
Kulafalkan sebaris doa:
Tuhan! pinjamkan aku mimpi-mimpinya!
di meja makan tergeletak sebuah surat
: untuk Abu Hazan
sang pendusta
Tebing Tinggi, 151007
*sebuah lagu kesukaan seorang sahabat
Kau yang Berada di Menara Putih
kini, kupersilakan dirimu
menyanyi dalam bisu yang ternyata
sudah berusia senja, dinda
jangan menangis dalam geram
karena sejak lama aku benci
dengan kelemahan yang diperam
ooh, jadi kauingin tidur dan meninggalkan
mainanmu yang berserak?
padahal kulihat kemarin kaumainkan mereka
dengan semangat
dinda, sebenarnya ingin kucabik pundakmu
yang barusan kurengkuh
tapi sekali lagi kuucapkan
“moga mimpi indah dan masuk surga,” padamu
azan subuh memanggilku
untuk merapatkan barisan
yang bukan bernama KESUNYIAN
Medan, 061007
menyanyi dalam bisu yang ternyata
sudah berusia senja, dinda
jangan menangis dalam geram
karena sejak lama aku benci
dengan kelemahan yang diperam
ooh, jadi kauingin tidur dan meninggalkan
mainanmu yang berserak?
padahal kulihat kemarin kaumainkan mereka
dengan semangat
dinda, sebenarnya ingin kucabik pundakmu
yang barusan kurengkuh
tapi sekali lagi kuucapkan
“moga mimpi indah dan masuk surga,” padamu
azan subuh memanggilku
untuk merapatkan barisan
yang bukan bernama KESUNYIAN
Medan, 061007
Lara always admitted that she was happy. Yes, certainly happy, although she was just a simple house-wife: a mother of her small one-year-old son, named Budi Kurniawan and a trishaw2 puller’s wife, Fauzan. People always said that happiness lay when you had a lot of money, nice house, fine clothes, jewelry, and good-looking wife or husband. Actually, she had nothing of them but the last one: good-looking husband. Yes, Fauzan is a handsome man of twenty six years old. Bu Muna, their neighbor, said that his face was similar to Dude Harlino. Lara never knew who really Dude was. And she didn’t care of it. Was it a thing that really made Lara happy? Obviously, she would answer: NO.
She and her small family always assumed that happiness came when you felt enough of what you had achieved, didn’t it?
What really kept her smile was that every Monday and Thursday, Fauzan never forgot to bring two or three dates fruit, a very simple thing that her husband used to do. This “habit” appeared when Lara was still pregnant. As an ordinary pregnant woman, she urged Fauzan to buy her dates. Since that, Lara was fond of dates, whole fully.
As they lived in poverty, they made themselves get used to hunger. At the first time of their marriage, Fauzan took Lara’s hands and convinced her that hunger in fasting would get nothing but good karma from Allah SWT. And he found Lara trusted in him.
There was nothing special about the dates fruit, they were very cheap; so much cheap! An old man who sold it was touched hearing Fauzan’s story, and he then allowed this young man to buy two or three pieces of the fruits. While we usually find that dates were sold in kilos or ounces. Fauzan kissed that old man’s hand several times for his kindness. He smiled, showing his brown teeth, remembering his late wife.
The skins of the dates were not smooth: they were rough. It was sticky, and they obviously tasted not so good. Everyone would notice that those dates had bad quality. But Lara and Fauzan believed that it was their love and sincerity which made every single thing for them was nice and delicious. “A very funny philosophy!” someone cried.
“Don’t forget the dates, Bang.” Lara took Fauzan’s hand and kissed it. He nodded and kissed his only son’s forehead. This little boy smiled and hugged his mother’s leg tightly. Fauzan give a salam before he saw his wife waving.
On her way to market, Bu Muna –her neighbour called her. She seemed to have something to say.
“It might be just a new gossip about celebrity or what,” said Lara in the heart. But she still had to give her best smile, didn’t she?
“Yes, ma’am?” asked Lara politely. They walked side by side.
Bu Muna said softly, as if she didn’t want someone to hear it.
“I heard Riana’s husband succeeded in town.” Lara stopped at a stall and looked so busy picking chilies and tomatoes that this middle-aged woman thought she didn’t notice her.
“Lara…,” now she was whispering in Lara’s ear, quite loudly. Lara felt clumsy.
“Ah, yes?” At last she said, not interested at all, “So?”
“Oh, come on. I would ask my husband to stop selling bakso in schools, if only… Do you hear me?” Lara nodded so that she wouldn’t offend her. “If only he were not that old.” Bu Muna smiled; that Lara didn’t even know what that smile was for.
“And then?” asked Lara, again. Bu Muna shook her head. Why couldn’t this young woman touch the ground of this conversation? She thought.
“You may urge your husband to…” before she finished her words, Lara interrupted.
“We think we have felt good to our present condition, ma’am.” She sighed. “In fact, I think living in town is not that really good.”
Before Bu Muna started it over, Lara talked about another topic: asking Bu Muna’s daughter who was studying in North Sumatra University. Every body in their neighborhood knew that it was her favorite topic!
It was not that Lara didn’t wish to live in a cozy living, convenient life, and of course good education for her son. It was just, she had self-esteem that letting her husband away from her, and in a town or a city, would make her anxious. She was not sure about the reason. Is it a jealousy? It could be, she thought. But she didn’t want Fauzan know her real reason.
“I think it was a good idea, Lara.” Fauzan said, that night. It turned Lara’s face warm.
“Letting you leave me and Budi?” Lara pointed their sleeping son with her chin. That infant slept soundly on their only thin mattress. Lara shook her head, hard. Fauzan sighed. How he wished to make a better living for Lara and Budi. He would really feel guilty, totally guilty, if he kept them both in sorrow and hunger; keeping Lara hungry on Monday and Thursday for fasting. One piece of ugly date would never erase this misery. He thought.
“Bang, I hope you never think that living with you in such condition makes me suffered or intend to leave you, not a second!” urged Lara.
“This is for our own good, for Budi’s, dear Lara… Please?” said Fauzan, hoping. Lara felt a lot of mist around her eyes. Too much mist, that it spilled out. Fauzan held her in his firm arms.
It had been a few months since Fauzan tried his luck in Medan. At the first time, it was so difficult for Lara. Even, she had to borrow some money from Bu Muna. But now, her condition and son was getting better. Fauzan sent them a lot of money every week. He even never forgot to send dates fruit on Monday and Thursday, a good quality ones. They were put in a very neat box; there were Arabic letters on it. And, their skins were so smooth, very smooth. Lara laughed, at the first time: there was still the stick of the fruit! How nice! She assumed that it got to be very expensive.
Boxes and boxes of dates she had received from Fauzan. But actually, what she really wanted was her husband coming. Once, she was puzzled, what kind of job that Fauzan got, so that he could set an almost perfect living for Lara, now. (Yes, Lara lived in a beautiful house with neat furniture now). But people said that it was just a normal thing. She just really hoped so. They only communicated for this time by phone. Fauzan bought her a cell-phone. But Lara never got an exact answer about Fauzan’s work.
“It’s a halal job, Lara honey.” He said, once.
“Budi and I are missing you badly. Why don’t you come home?”
“I will come home, if the moment is right.”
To her surprise, the right moment that Fauzan ever told her came. Lara felt much messed. Fauzan came, in a luxurious car. Every person in their village came to see them, astonished. There should be a smile on her face that day, if only… Yah, if only, Fauzan didn’t come with a very beautiful woman. This woman looked so well-educated, came from noble family, and… rich, then shook her hand and said, “Sister, I am your husband’s second wife…” Then Lara realized: Fauzan had married a rich woman.
“Fauzan, I want to divorce.” Said Lara in a very sad, sore, and low tone she ever had.
Glossaries: 1 dates: kurma
2 trishaw: becak
She and her small family always assumed that happiness came when you felt enough of what you had achieved, didn’t it?
What really kept her smile was that every Monday and Thursday, Fauzan never forgot to bring two or three dates fruit, a very simple thing that her husband used to do. This “habit” appeared when Lara was still pregnant. As an ordinary pregnant woman, she urged Fauzan to buy her dates. Since that, Lara was fond of dates, whole fully.
As they lived in poverty, they made themselves get used to hunger. At the first time of their marriage, Fauzan took Lara’s hands and convinced her that hunger in fasting would get nothing but good karma from Allah SWT. And he found Lara trusted in him.
There was nothing special about the dates fruit, they were very cheap; so much cheap! An old man who sold it was touched hearing Fauzan’s story, and he then allowed this young man to buy two or three pieces of the fruits. While we usually find that dates were sold in kilos or ounces. Fauzan kissed that old man’s hand several times for his kindness. He smiled, showing his brown teeth, remembering his late wife.
The skins of the dates were not smooth: they were rough. It was sticky, and they obviously tasted not so good. Everyone would notice that those dates had bad quality. But Lara and Fauzan believed that it was their love and sincerity which made every single thing for them was nice and delicious. “A very funny philosophy!” someone cried.
“Don’t forget the dates, Bang.” Lara took Fauzan’s hand and kissed it. He nodded and kissed his only son’s forehead. This little boy smiled and hugged his mother’s leg tightly. Fauzan give a salam before he saw his wife waving.
On her way to market, Bu Muna –her neighbour called her. She seemed to have something to say.
“It might be just a new gossip about celebrity or what,” said Lara in the heart. But she still had to give her best smile, didn’t she?
“Yes, ma’am?” asked Lara politely. They walked side by side.
Bu Muna said softly, as if she didn’t want someone to hear it.
“I heard Riana’s husband succeeded in town.” Lara stopped at a stall and looked so busy picking chilies and tomatoes that this middle-aged woman thought she didn’t notice her.
“Lara…,” now she was whispering in Lara’s ear, quite loudly. Lara felt clumsy.
“Ah, yes?” At last she said, not interested at all, “So?”
“Oh, come on. I would ask my husband to stop selling bakso in schools, if only… Do you hear me?” Lara nodded so that she wouldn’t offend her. “If only he were not that old.” Bu Muna smiled; that Lara didn’t even know what that smile was for.
“And then?” asked Lara, again. Bu Muna shook her head. Why couldn’t this young woman touch the ground of this conversation? She thought.
“You may urge your husband to…” before she finished her words, Lara interrupted.
“We think we have felt good to our present condition, ma’am.” She sighed. “In fact, I think living in town is not that really good.”
Before Bu Muna started it over, Lara talked about another topic: asking Bu Muna’s daughter who was studying in North Sumatra University. Every body in their neighborhood knew that it was her favorite topic!
It was not that Lara didn’t wish to live in a cozy living, convenient life, and of course good education for her son. It was just, she had self-esteem that letting her husband away from her, and in a town or a city, would make her anxious. She was not sure about the reason. Is it a jealousy? It could be, she thought. But she didn’t want Fauzan know her real reason.
“I think it was a good idea, Lara.” Fauzan said, that night. It turned Lara’s face warm.
“Letting you leave me and Budi?” Lara pointed their sleeping son with her chin. That infant slept soundly on their only thin mattress. Lara shook her head, hard. Fauzan sighed. How he wished to make a better living for Lara and Budi. He would really feel guilty, totally guilty, if he kept them both in sorrow and hunger; keeping Lara hungry on Monday and Thursday for fasting. One piece of ugly date would never erase this misery. He thought.
“Bang, I hope you never think that living with you in such condition makes me suffered or intend to leave you, not a second!” urged Lara.
“This is for our own good, for Budi’s, dear Lara… Please?” said Fauzan, hoping. Lara felt a lot of mist around her eyes. Too much mist, that it spilled out. Fauzan held her in his firm arms.
It had been a few months since Fauzan tried his luck in Medan. At the first time, it was so difficult for Lara. Even, she had to borrow some money from Bu Muna. But now, her condition and son was getting better. Fauzan sent them a lot of money every week. He even never forgot to send dates fruit on Monday and Thursday, a good quality ones. They were put in a very neat box; there were Arabic letters on it. And, their skins were so smooth, very smooth. Lara laughed, at the first time: there was still the stick of the fruit! How nice! She assumed that it got to be very expensive.
Boxes and boxes of dates she had received from Fauzan. But actually, what she really wanted was her husband coming. Once, she was puzzled, what kind of job that Fauzan got, so that he could set an almost perfect living for Lara, now. (Yes, Lara lived in a beautiful house with neat furniture now). But people said that it was just a normal thing. She just really hoped so. They only communicated for this time by phone. Fauzan bought her a cell-phone. But Lara never got an exact answer about Fauzan’s work.
“It’s a halal job, Lara honey.” He said, once.
“Budi and I are missing you badly. Why don’t you come home?”
“I will come home, if the moment is right.”
To her surprise, the right moment that Fauzan ever told her came. Lara felt much messed. Fauzan came, in a luxurious car. Every person in their village came to see them, astonished. There should be a smile on her face that day, if only… Yah, if only, Fauzan didn’t come with a very beautiful woman. This woman looked so well-educated, came from noble family, and… rich, then shook her hand and said, “Sister, I am your husband’s second wife…” Then Lara realized: Fauzan had married a rich woman.
“Fauzan, I want to divorce.” Said Lara in a very sad, sore, and low tone she ever had.
Glossaries: 1 dates: kurma
2 trishaw: becak
The presence condition of Moslem society in the world is not very outstanding. Many Moslems live under poverty, marginalized, even if they are rich, they have no solidarity to other Moslems. Indonesia, a country with the largest Moslem community, has a very complicated problem, from moral, social, economy, law, etc. Concerning to the number, Indonesian Moslem cannot prove their existence and dignity to the international world. Besides living under poverty, Indonesian Moslems seem to lose their Islamic values, proven by the large number of moral disintegration.
This condition is very different from the Early Islam. From the era of Prophet Muhammad SAW, the Khulafaurrasyidin’s era, or the Dynasty of Abbasiyah, Islam was very well-known for its superiority. One third of the world was conquered by Islam. Islam also became the center of civilization and science. Western respected the glory of Islam.
Many scholars said that the decadency of Islam’s existence nowadays caused by the disobedience of its believers to Islamic values. Early Moslems implemented the Islamic values to their life, so that they lived in grace.
A lot of thoughts about the concept of Islamic society have been expelled by experts, Islamic philosophers, Islamic ideologies, and such. Each has its own conception. We may mention: Al-Ghazali, Muhammad Iqbal, Hasan Al-Banna, Yusuf Qardhawi, Al-Ikhwanul Muslimun, Hizbut Tahrir, Darul Arqam, and in Indonesia, we may find: Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama, Persis, Tarbiyah Movement, etc.
Campus is one of the centers of civilization. It is a place to produce intellectual people who will build a better civilization in the society for the future. Also, we may find various movements or thinkers in a campus, particularly Islamic movements. These movements must have conception of Islamic society, too. One of the movements is: The Action Group of Indonesian Moslem Students (Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia –next will be mentioned as: KAMMI).
This organization, in its vision, was born to create Islamic society to answer the problems occurred in Indonesia, in every aspects. This organization also believes that the answer to such problems is by creating Islamic society that will implement the value of Islamic teaching, which will create a prosperous Republic of Indonesia. This youth organization spreads almost all over the provinces in Indonesia (even it has representative branches in abroad, such as: Japan, United States, Australia, Egypt, and United Kingdom, Pakistan, Germany, and Canada).
The State Institute for Islamic Studies of North Sumatera (Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara –next will be mentioned as: IAIN SU) is one of the center of civilization. The organization of KAMMI also has a commissariat in this campus. As its mission, KAMMI of IAIN SU also has a commitment to build an Islamic society, started from its own campus, then to society.
Based on the background of study above, I conclude that the focus of this research is: how the real concept of Islamic society and how to create it, particularly according to KAMMI in the campus of IAIN SU.
Based on the focus of research above, I attempt to list down the formulation of study in detail:
1. What is KAMMI?
2. What is the concept of Islamic society according to KAMMI IAIN SU?
3. How KAMMI IAIN SU create Islamic society in IAIN SU?
The objectives of this research are:
1. To know what KAMMI IAIN SU and its activities.
2. To know the concept of Islamic society in the perspective of KAMMI IAIN SU.
3. To know how KAMMI IAIN SU has been doing to create Islamic society.
The use of this research is:
1. To enrich our perception about the concept of creating Islamic Society.
2. To awaken our spirit and pride of being Moslems.
A.1. The History of KAMMI
A.2. The History of KAMMI IAIN SU
B.1. The Concepts of Islamic Society According to Islam Scholars
B.2. The Concepts of Islamic Society According KAMMI IAIN SU
C.1. Done by Islamic Scholars and Movements
C.2. Done by KAMMI IAIN SU
This research took place in Medan, North Sumatera, precisely in the campus of IAIN SU, Jl. Willem Iskandar, Medan Estate. The second place is in the office of commissariat KAMMI IAIN SU, precisely in Jl. Tuasan, Gg. Keadilan No. 93L, Medan Tembung. This research observed thoroughly all departments in KAMMI IAIN SU and their programs. All of departments are: department of cadres, department of public policy, department of economy, and department of public relation.
This research took time of observation about six months long (started from March to September, 2008).
To describe the concept of Islamic society and the efforts being done by KAMMI IAIN SU, this research which I worked on using the qualitative approach. By this approach, I hope the empirical invention may be described in more detail, more clearly, and more accurate, particularly to anything related to the programs done by KAMMI IAIN SU in accordance with its efforts to create Islamic society in IAIN SU. Hence, I also uses the approach of symbolic interaction, hopefully it may help me to (1) observe, (2) to get involved, (3) to interpret the phenomena in field research in an objective way, and I also use the method of library research, by using a primer source: KAMMI dan Pergulatan Reformasi (Mahfudz Sidiq, Solo: Era Intermedia, 2003) and the secondary sources are related references.
- Subject of research is KAMMI commissariat IAIN SU.
- Object of research is the programs committed by KAMMI in IAIN SU due to the attempts to create Islamic society, begun from the surrounding of IAIN SU.
First, I determine some informants. They did not only help to collect the data, but also as the clarification of field research. Determining these informants consider their social background, in this respect: their positions in KAMMI IAIN SU, such as: the General Chief, The General Secretary, The Treasurer, The coordinators of each department and certain members which are compatible and trusted. My consideration is that they are as the central figures of KAMMI IAIN SU and get involved in its programs directly.
Then, I use participant observation and interview to complete my data collecting.
1. Participant Observation
To get a concrete data, I get involved in this organization (KAMMI IAIN SU) and also use the historical and organizational documents (such as: GBHO, AD/ART, and MPO).
2. Interview
I used structured interview with the method of in-depth interview, I use structured questions and interviewed the informants frequently and intensively.
1. Attribution, which includes the clear and real sources of informants (both identity or confirmation; or check and re-check)
2. Competency of the informants:
- Organizing managers
- Committee of programs
- None of them, but have access to be the sources (such as: the alumnus, seniors, others KAMMI members in Center of Regional and other commissariat in North Sumatera)
In analyzing the data or information, I use the content analysis. The use of this technique is based on the reality that the data is descriptive of verbal statement, not a quantitative one.
The effort of classifying symbols used in communication using criteria in certain classification, and do some prediction with certain technique, by transferring the symbols into code.
The presence condition of Moslem society in the world is not very outstanding. Many Moslems live under poverty, marginalized, even if they are rich, they have no solidarity to other Moslems. Indonesia, a country with the largest Moslem community, has a very complicated problem, from moral, social, economy, law, etc. Concerning to the number, Indonesian Moslem cannot prove their existence and dignity to the international world. Besides living under poverty, Indonesian Moslems seem to lose their Islamic values, proven by the large number of moral disintegration.
This condition is very different from the Early Islam. From the era of Prophet Muhammad SAW, the Khulafaurrasyidin’s era, or the Dynasty of Abbasiyah, Islam was very well-known for its superiority. One third of the world was conquered by Islam. Islam also became the center of civilization and science. Western respected the glory of Islam.
Many scholars said that the decadency of Islam’s existence nowadays caused by the disobedience of its believers to Islamic values. Early Moslems implemented the Islamic values to their life, so that they lived in grace.
A lot of thoughts about the concept of Islamic society have been expelled by experts, Islamic philosophers, Islamic ideologies, and such. Each has its own conception. We may mention: Al-Ghazali, Muhammad Iqbal, Hasan Al-Banna, Yusuf Qardhawi, Al-Ikhwanul Muslimun, Hizbut Tahrir, Darul Arqam, and in Indonesia, we may find: Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama, Persis, Tarbiyah Movement, etc.
Campus is one of the centers of civilization. It is a place to produce intellectual people who will build a better civilization in the society for the future. Also, we may find various movements or thinkers in a campus, particularly Islamic movements. These movements must have conception of Islamic society, too. One of the movements is: The Action Group of Indonesian Moslem Students (Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia –next will be mentioned as: KAMMI).
This organization, in its vision, was born to create Islamic society to answer the problems occurred in Indonesia, in every aspects. This organization also believes that the answer to such problems is by creating Islamic society that will implement the value of Islamic teaching, which will create a prosperous Republic of Indonesia. This youth organization spreads almost all over the provinces in Indonesia (even it has representative branches in abroad, such as: Japan, United States, Australia, Egypt, and United Kingdom, Pakistan, Germany, and Canada).
The State Institute for Islamic Studies of North Sumatera (Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara –next will be mentioned as: IAIN SU) is one of the center of civilization. The organization of KAMMI also has a commissariat in this campus. As its mission, KAMMI of IAIN SU also has a commitment to build an Islamic society, started from its own campus, then to society.
Based on the background of study above, I conclude that the focus of this research is: how the real concept of Islamic society and how to create it, particularly according to KAMMI in the campus of IAIN SU.
Based on the focus of research above, I attempt to list down the formulation of study in detail:
1. What is KAMMI?
2. What is the concept of Islamic society according to KAMMI IAIN SU?
3. How KAMMI IAIN SU create Islamic society in IAIN SU?
The objectives of this research are:
1. To know what KAMMI IAIN SU and its activities.
2. To know the concept of Islamic society in the perspective of KAMMI IAIN SU.
3. To know how KAMMI IAIN SU has been doing to create Islamic society.
The use of this research is:
1. To enrich our perception about the concept of creating Islamic Society.
2. To awaken our spirit and pride of being Moslems.
A.1. The History of KAMMI
A.2. The History of KAMMI IAIN SU
B.1. The Concepts of Islamic Society According to Islam Scholars
B.2. The Concepts of Islamic Society According KAMMI IAIN SU
C.1. Done by Islamic Scholars and Movements
C.2. Done by KAMMI IAIN SU
This research took place in Medan, North Sumatera, precisely in the campus of IAIN SU, Jl. Willem Iskandar, Medan Estate. The second place is in the office of commissariat KAMMI IAIN SU, precisely in Jl. Tuasan, Gg. Keadilan No. 93L, Medan Tembung. This research observed thoroughly all departments in KAMMI IAIN SU and their programs. All of departments are: department of cadres, department of public policy, department of economy, and department of public relation.
This research took time of observation about six months long (started from March to September, 2008).
To describe the concept of Islamic society and the efforts being done by KAMMI IAIN SU, this research which I worked on using the qualitative approach. By this approach, I hope the empirical invention may be described in more detail, more clearly, and more accurate, particularly to anything related to the programs done by KAMMI IAIN SU in accordance with its efforts to create Islamic society in IAIN SU. Hence, I also uses the approach of symbolic interaction, hopefully it may help me to (1) observe, (2) to get involved, (3) to interpret the phenomena in field research in an objective way, and I also use the method of library research, by using a primer source: KAMMI dan Pergulatan Reformasi (Mahfudz Sidiq, Solo: Era Intermedia, 2003) and the secondary sources are related references.
- Subject of research is KAMMI commissariat IAIN SU.
- Object of research is the programs committed by KAMMI in IAIN SU due to the attempts to create Islamic society, begun from the surrounding of IAIN SU.
First, I determine some informants. They did not only help to collect the data, but also as the clarification of field research. Determining these informants consider their social background, in this respect: their positions in KAMMI IAIN SU, such as: the General Chief, The General Secretary, The Treasurer, The coordinators of each department and certain members which are compatible and trusted. My consideration is that they are as the central figures of KAMMI IAIN SU and get involved in its programs directly.
Then, I use participant observation and interview to complete my data collecting.
1. Participant Observation
To get a concrete data, I get involved in this organization (KAMMI IAIN SU) and also use the historical and organizational documents (such as: GBHO, AD/ART, and MPO).
2. Interview
I used structured interview with the method of in-depth interview, I use structured questions and interviewed the informants frequently and intensively.
1. Attribution, which includes the clear and real sources of informants (both identity or confirmation; or check and re-check)
2. Competency of the informants:
- Organizing managers
- Committee of programs
- None of them, but have access to be the sources (such as: the alumnus, seniors, others KAMMI members in Center of Regional and other commissariat in North Sumatera)
In analyzing the data or information, I use the content analysis. The use of this technique is based on the reality that the data is descriptive of verbal statement, not a quantitative one.
The effort of classifying symbols used in communication using criteria in certain classification, and do some prediction with certain technique, by transferring the symbols into code.
Salah satu kegiatan dalam perencanaan proyek penelitian adalah merumuskan alat pengumpul data sesuai dengan masalah yang diteliti. Alat penelitian sangat erat hubungannya dengan seluruh unsur (elemen) penelitian lain, terutama sekali dengan metode. Itu sebabnya langkah yang ditempuh dalam menetapkan suatu jenis alat, harus berpedoman pada:
Pendekatan dalam mengumpulkan data
Jenis data yang diperlukan untuk mentest hipotesis
Alat yang dianggap cocok untuk mengumpulkan data yang diperlukan
Perlu tidaknya memodifikasi berbagai jenis alat pengumpul data yang digunakan
Kali ini kami memfokuskan pada alat atau teknik dalam mengumpulkan data. Alat yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan teknk pengumpulan data. Oleh karena itu, pembahasan keduanya tidak dapat dipisahkan, karenaadaay saling ketergantungan satu sama lain.
Tidak semua jenis alat penelitian selamanya dapat menggali seluruh data yang diperluka untuk memecahkan suatu masalah dalam kegiatan penelitian. Kadang-kadang terjadi suatu alat tidak dapat digunakauntuk mengumpulkan seluruh data yang diperlukan. Oleh karena itu perlu dipertimbangkan untuk memodifikasi alat tersebut, sehingga data yang diperlukan dapat terhimpu untuk menguji hipotesis-hipotesis yang diajukan. Pertimbangan yang diperlukan dalam menentukan jenis alat yang digunakan, terutama menyangkut segi validitas dan reliabilitas alat yang bersangkutan.
Dari beberapa alat yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data, kami membahas tentang pengamatan (observasi), tepatnya observasi berperan serta (participant observation).
Menurut Drs. Mohamad Ali dalam Penelitian Kependidikan, Prosedur dan Strategi, beliau berpendapat observasi adalah: “Penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara mengadakan pengamatan terhadap obyek, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Teknik ini banyak digunakan, baik dalam penelitian sejarah (historis), deskriptif, ataupun eksperimental, karena dengan pengamatan memungkinkan gejala-gejala penelitian dapat diamati dari dekat.
Parsudi Suparlan (1983: 43-45) menyarakan yang harus diperhatikan peneliti saat melakukan pengamatan adalah: ruang dan waktu, pelaku, kegiatan, benda-benda atau alat-alat, waktu, peralatan, tujuan, prasarana.
Pelaksanaan pengamatan menempuh tiga cara utama, yakni:
1. Pengamatan langsung (direct observation), yakni pengamatan yang dilakukan tanpa perantara (secara langsung) terhadap obyek yang diteliti, seperti mengadakan pengamatan langsung terhadap proses belajar-mengajar di kelas.
2. Pengamatan tak langsung (indirect observation), yakni pengamatan yang dilakukan terhadap suatu obyek melalui perantaraan suatu alat atau cara, baik dilaksanakan dalam situasi sebenarnya maupun buatan. Contoh, mengadakan pengamatan terhadap pengaruh hukuman terhadap suasana kejiwaan anak melalui permainan peranan (roleplaying) atau drama kejiwaan (psycho-drama), atau mengadakan pengamatan melalui alat yang sengaja diciptakan untuk keperluan tersebut.
3. Partisipasi, yaitu pengamatan yang dilakukan dengan cara ikut ambil bagian atau melibatkan diri dalam situasi obyek yang diteliti. Cara ini biasanya banyak digunakan dalam penelitian psikologi, sosiologi, maupun antropologi, namun demikian dalam lapangan pendidikan pun banyak pula digunakan teknik ini; seperti mengadakan pengamatan terhadap mekanisme proses hubungan manusiawi (human relation) antara guru dengan kepala sekolah, dilakukan dengan cara ikut ambil bagian sebagai guru, dan mengamati setiap gejala yang menjadi obyek penelitian.
Cara mengadakan pengamatan sebagaimana diuraikan di atas dapat dilaksanakan dengan menggabungkan dua atau tiga cara sekaligus dalam suatu kegiatan penelitian, apabila dipertimbangkan bahwa suatu cara dianggap kurang memadai.
Ini tidak berarti bahwa observasi boleh dilakukan secara acak-acakan atau tanpa rencana. Sebaliknya observasi sebagai teknik penelitian harus selalu jitu, berpedoman pada arah yang spesifik, sistematis, terfokus, dan direkam dengan cermat. Seperti teknik-teknik lainnya, observasi harus dapat diuji akurasi, validitas, dan reliabilitasnya.
Pengamatan terlibat atau observasi berperan serta (participant observation) diartikan sebagai pengamatan yang dibarengi interaksi antara peneliti dengan informan. Dalam pengamatan terlibat, peneliti hidup bersama-sama (di tengah-tengah) masyarakat yang ditelitinya. Dalam kegiatan pengamatannya si peneliti ikut mengerjakan apa yang dikerjakan oleh pelakunya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kegiatan-kegiatan itu dilakukan agqar dapat memahami dan merasakan (menginternalisasikan) kegiatan-kegiatan dalam kehidupan masyarakat yang menjadi obyek penelitian.
Pengumpulan data menggunaka observasi berperan serta ditunjukkan untuk mengungkapkan makna suatu kejadian dari setting tertentu, yang merupakan perhatian esensial dalam penelitian kualitatif. Observasi berperanserta dilakukan untuk mengamati obyek penelitian, seperti tempat khusus suatu organisasi, sekelompok orang, atau beberapa aktivitas suatu sekolah.
Pengamat (observer) dalam berlangsungnya observasi dapat berperan sebagai pengamat yang hanya semata-mata menamati dengan tidak ikut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan subyek. Di sisi lain, pengamat dapat berperan serta dalam kegiatan subyek dengan sedikit terdapat perbedaan antara peneliti dengan subyek.
Dalam berlangsungya observasi, kedua peran tersebut tidak dapat dipisahkan karena awal melakukan pengamatan pertama-tama peneliti tetap memisahkan diri dari subyek sampai terciptanya hubungan baik antara peneliti dengan subyek. Selanjutnya peneliti menarik diri dari lingkungan subyek supaya tidak kehilangan tujuan utamanya. Keberhasilan peneliti sangat tergantung dengan kemampuan menyesuaikan diri dengan duna subyek.
Spradley (1972: 45-52) menjelaska bahwa dalam menyeleksi situasi sosial dalam melakukan pengamatan berperanserta dapat dilakukan dengan jalan mempertimbangka kriteria sebagai berikut:
a. Kesederhanaan
Pertama kali melakukan penelitian kualitatif, menyeleksi suatu situasi sosial yang tunggal dan mencoba untuk memulai dengan situasi sosial sangat sederhana dan mempunyai ruang lingkup cukup terbatas cukup penting artinya. Kemudian dengan banyak pengalaman dapat memperluas ke dalam situasi-situasi yang kompleks.
b. Aksesabilitas
Beberapa situasi dapat dengan mudah dimasuki sementara beberapa situasi sukar dimasuki. Untuk belajar melakukan penelitian kualitatif, diambil suatu situasi yang dapat dengan lebih mudah dimasuki. Jika mungkin peneliti tidak perlu menggunakan seluruh waktu yang ada untuk mencoba mendapatkan kesempatan.
c. Ketidak kentaraan
Para peneliti dalam melakukan penelitian kualitatif seharusnya kurang kentara dalam beberapa situasi-situasi sosial yang diikuti. Kendatipun akhirnya peneliti berhari-hari dalam suatu situasi sosial.
d. Aktivitas berulang-ulang
Untuk memahami kejadian suatu situasi sosial, peneliti perlu melihat sampel yang besar dari aktivitas yang diulangi berkali-kali dalam situasi sosial bersangkutan. Oleh karena itu seleksi suatu situasi sosial sangat diperlukan.
e. Kemudahan berpartisipasi
Walaupun peneliti tidak berpartisipasi dalam situasi, cobalah menemukan suatu situasi sosial untuk pengkajian suatu peran serta dalam aktivitas dimana penelitian dilaksanakan.
Menurut Williams yang diterjemahkan oleh Moleong (1989), Faisal (1990), Bogdan dan Biklen (1982) disimpulkan bahwa salah satu observasi berperanserta yang dapat digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah peranserta pasif. Adapun observasi peranserta pasif yaitu peneliti hadir dalam suatu situasi tetapi tidak berperan serta dengan orang-orang dalam. Peranan peranserta hanya (1) menyaksikan berbagai peristiwa atau melakuka tindakan secara pasif, (2) melakukan wawacara (interview) baik yang terstruktur maupun yang tidak terstruktur terhadap aktor, dan (3) melakukan pengkajian dokumen (document study) yang dimilik organisasi. Pada mulanya data yang didapat dari informan sesuai dari sudut pandang informan/responden (emic). Selanjutnya data yang sudah dianalisis berdasarkan dari sudut pandang peneliti (etic).
Sejalan dengan hal ini, Bogdan dan Taylor (1985) menjelaskan dalam catatan lapangan harus disusun setelah observasi maupun mengadakan hubungan dengan subjek yang diteliti. Karena catatan lapangan berupa data observasi dikumpulkan dalam catatan lapangan yang komprehensif sekali. Secara keseluruha, peneliti sendiri terjun ke lapangan sebagai instrumen utama (key instrument) dalam penelitian ini. Sebagai instrumen utama dalam penelitian ii maka peneliti sendiri yang menggunakan beberapa teknik pengumpulan data yaitu: Observasi Data atau informas yang diperlukan juga dikumpulkan dengan observasi dilakukan melalui pengamatan langsung pada tempat peneltian baik secara terbuka maupun terselubung. Di samping itu juga menurut Bogdan dan Taylor (1985: 134) dari pengamatan dibuat catatan lapangan yang harus disusun setelah observasi maupun mengadakan hubungan dengan subjek yang diteliti. Karena catatan lapangan berupa data dari observasi penelitian harus membuat catatan lapangan yang komprehensif sekali. Secara keseluruhan, peneliti sendiri yang mengamati perilaku dan nilai budaya yang mendasari perilaku.
Salah satu kegiatan dalam perencanaan proyek penelitian adalah merumuskan alat pengumpul data sesuai dengan masalah yang diteliti. Alat penelitian sangat erat hubungannya dengan seluruh unsur (elemen) penelitian lain, terutama sekali dengan metode. Itu sebabnya langkah yang ditempuh dalam menetapkan suatu jenis alat, harus berpedoman pada:
Pendekatan dalam mengumpulkan data
Jenis data yang diperlukan untuk mentest hipotesis
Alat yang dianggap cocok untuk mengumpulkan data yang diperlukan
Perlu tidaknya memodifikasi berbagai jenis alat pengumpul data yang digunakan
Kali ini kami memfokuskan pada alat atau teknik dalam mengumpulkan data. Alat yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan teknk pengumpulan data. Oleh karena itu, pembahasan keduanya tidak dapat dipisahkan, karenaadaay saling ketergantungan satu sama lain.
Tidak semua jenis alat penelitian selamanya dapat menggali seluruh data yang diperluka untuk memecahkan suatu masalah dalam kegiatan penelitian. Kadang-kadang terjadi suatu alat tidak dapat digunakauntuk mengumpulkan seluruh data yang diperlukan. Oleh karena itu perlu dipertimbangkan untuk memodifikasi alat tersebut, sehingga data yang diperlukan dapat terhimpu untuk menguji hipotesis-hipotesis yang diajukan. Pertimbangan yang diperlukan dalam menentukan jenis alat yang digunakan, terutama menyangkut segi validitas dan reliabilitas alat yang bersangkutan.
Dari beberapa alat yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data, kami membahas tentang pengamatan (observasi), tepatnya observasi berperan serta (participant observation).
Menurut Drs. Mohamad Ali dalam Penelitian Kependidikan, Prosedur dan Strategi, beliau berpendapat observasi adalah: “Penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara mengadakan pengamatan terhadap obyek, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Teknik ini banyak digunakan, baik dalam penelitian sejarah (historis), deskriptif, ataupun eksperimental, karena dengan pengamatan memungkinkan gejala-gejala penelitian dapat diamati dari dekat.
Parsudi Suparlan (1983: 43-45) menyarakan yang harus diperhatikan peneliti saat melakukan pengamatan adalah: ruang dan waktu, pelaku, kegiatan, benda-benda atau alat-alat, waktu, peralatan, tujuan, prasarana.
Pelaksanaan pengamatan menempuh tiga cara utama, yakni:
1. Pengamatan langsung (direct observation), yakni pengamatan yang dilakukan tanpa perantara (secara langsung) terhadap obyek yang diteliti, seperti mengadakan pengamatan langsung terhadap proses belajar-mengajar di kelas.
2. Pengamatan tak langsung (indirect observation), yakni pengamatan yang dilakukan terhadap suatu obyek melalui perantaraan suatu alat atau cara, baik dilaksanakan dalam situasi sebenarnya maupun buatan. Contoh, mengadakan pengamatan terhadap pengaruh hukuman terhadap suasana kejiwaan anak melalui permainan peranan (roleplaying) atau drama kejiwaan (psycho-drama), atau mengadakan pengamatan melalui alat yang sengaja diciptakan untuk keperluan tersebut.
3. Partisipasi, yaitu pengamatan yang dilakukan dengan cara ikut ambil bagian atau melibatkan diri dalam situasi obyek yang diteliti. Cara ini biasanya banyak digunakan dalam penelitian psikologi, sosiologi, maupun antropologi, namun demikian dalam lapangan pendidikan pun banyak pula digunakan teknik ini; seperti mengadakan pengamatan terhadap mekanisme proses hubungan manusiawi (human relation) antara guru dengan kepala sekolah, dilakukan dengan cara ikut ambil bagian sebagai guru, dan mengamati setiap gejala yang menjadi obyek penelitian.
Cara mengadakan pengamatan sebagaimana diuraikan di atas dapat dilaksanakan dengan menggabungkan dua atau tiga cara sekaligus dalam suatu kegiatan penelitian, apabila dipertimbangkan bahwa suatu cara dianggap kurang memadai.
Ini tidak berarti bahwa observasi boleh dilakukan secara acak-acakan atau tanpa rencana. Sebaliknya observasi sebagai teknik penelitian harus selalu jitu, berpedoman pada arah yang spesifik, sistematis, terfokus, dan direkam dengan cermat. Seperti teknik-teknik lainnya, observasi harus dapat diuji akurasi, validitas, dan reliabilitasnya.
Pengamatan terlibat atau observasi berperan serta (participant observation) diartikan sebagai pengamatan yang dibarengi interaksi antara peneliti dengan informan. Dalam pengamatan terlibat, peneliti hidup bersama-sama (di tengah-tengah) masyarakat yang ditelitinya. Dalam kegiatan pengamatannya si peneliti ikut mengerjakan apa yang dikerjakan oleh pelakunya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kegiatan-kegiatan itu dilakukan agqar dapat memahami dan merasakan (menginternalisasikan) kegiatan-kegiatan dalam kehidupan masyarakat yang menjadi obyek penelitian.
Pengumpulan data menggunaka observasi berperan serta ditunjukkan untuk mengungkapkan makna suatu kejadian dari setting tertentu, yang merupakan perhatian esensial dalam penelitian kualitatif. Observasi berperanserta dilakukan untuk mengamati obyek penelitian, seperti tempat khusus suatu organisasi, sekelompok orang, atau beberapa aktivitas suatu sekolah.
Pengamat (observer) dalam berlangsungnya observasi dapat berperan sebagai pengamat yang hanya semata-mata menamati dengan tidak ikut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan subyek. Di sisi lain, pengamat dapat berperan serta dalam kegiatan subyek dengan sedikit terdapat perbedaan antara peneliti dengan subyek.
Dalam berlangsungya observasi, kedua peran tersebut tidak dapat dipisahkan karena awal melakukan pengamatan pertama-tama peneliti tetap memisahkan diri dari subyek sampai terciptanya hubungan baik antara peneliti dengan subyek. Selanjutnya peneliti menarik diri dari lingkungan subyek supaya tidak kehilangan tujuan utamanya. Keberhasilan peneliti sangat tergantung dengan kemampuan menyesuaikan diri dengan duna subyek.
Spradley (1972: 45-52) menjelaska bahwa dalam menyeleksi situasi sosial dalam melakukan pengamatan berperanserta dapat dilakukan dengan jalan mempertimbangka kriteria sebagai berikut:
a. Kesederhanaan
Pertama kali melakukan penelitian kualitatif, menyeleksi suatu situasi sosial yang tunggal dan mencoba untuk memulai dengan situasi sosial sangat sederhana dan mempunyai ruang lingkup cukup terbatas cukup penting artinya. Kemudian dengan banyak pengalaman dapat memperluas ke dalam situasi-situasi yang kompleks.
b. Aksesabilitas
Beberapa situasi dapat dengan mudah dimasuki sementara beberapa situasi sukar dimasuki. Untuk belajar melakukan penelitian kualitatif, diambil suatu situasi yang dapat dengan lebih mudah dimasuki. Jika mungkin peneliti tidak perlu menggunakan seluruh waktu yang ada untuk mencoba mendapatkan kesempatan.
c. Ketidak kentaraan
Para peneliti dalam melakukan penelitian kualitatif seharusnya kurang kentara dalam beberapa situasi-situasi sosial yang diikuti. Kendatipun akhirnya peneliti berhari-hari dalam suatu situasi sosial.
d. Aktivitas berulang-ulang
Untuk memahami kejadian suatu situasi sosial, peneliti perlu melihat sampel yang besar dari aktivitas yang diulangi berkali-kali dalam situasi sosial bersangkutan. Oleh karena itu seleksi suatu situasi sosial sangat diperlukan.
e. Kemudahan berpartisipasi
Walaupun peneliti tidak berpartisipasi dalam situasi, cobalah menemukan suatu situasi sosial untuk pengkajian suatu peran serta dalam aktivitas dimana penelitian dilaksanakan.
Menurut Williams yang diterjemahkan oleh Moleong (1989), Faisal (1990), Bogdan dan Biklen (1982) disimpulkan bahwa salah satu observasi berperanserta yang dapat digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah peranserta pasif. Adapun observasi peranserta pasif yaitu peneliti hadir dalam suatu situasi tetapi tidak berperan serta dengan orang-orang dalam. Peranan peranserta hanya (1) menyaksikan berbagai peristiwa atau melakuka tindakan secara pasif, (2) melakukan wawacara (interview) baik yang terstruktur maupun yang tidak terstruktur terhadap aktor, dan (3) melakukan pengkajian dokumen (document study) yang dimilik organisasi. Pada mulanya data yang didapat dari informan sesuai dari sudut pandang informan/responden (emic). Selanjutnya data yang sudah dianalisis berdasarkan dari sudut pandang peneliti (etic).
Sejalan dengan hal ini, Bogdan dan Taylor (1985) menjelaskan dalam catatan lapangan harus disusun setelah observasi maupun mengadakan hubungan dengan subjek yang diteliti. Karena catatan lapangan berupa data observasi dikumpulkan dalam catatan lapangan yang komprehensif sekali. Secara keseluruha, peneliti sendiri terjun ke lapangan sebagai instrumen utama (key instrument) dalam penelitian ini. Sebagai instrumen utama dalam penelitian ii maka peneliti sendiri yang menggunakan beberapa teknik pengumpulan data yaitu: Observasi Data atau informas yang diperlukan juga dikumpulkan dengan observasi dilakukan melalui pengamatan langsung pada tempat peneltian baik secara terbuka maupun terselubung. Di samping itu juga menurut Bogdan dan Taylor (1985: 134) dari pengamatan dibuat catatan lapangan yang harus disusun setelah observasi maupun mengadakan hubungan dengan subjek yang diteliti. Karena catatan lapangan berupa data dari observasi penelitian harus membuat catatan lapangan yang komprehensif sekali. Secara keseluruhan, peneliti sendiri yang mengamati perilaku dan nilai budaya yang mendasari perilaku.
A. The Definition of Psycholinguistics
Hartman and Stork (1994: 189), Sharad (2000: 149), and Varshney (185: 295) have similarity in conclulding what psycholinguisticx is: a branch of linguistics which studies the relationship between the manner of psychology and language. Then this science uses a concept of linguistics to explain the process of psychology concerned with language acquisition and language use.
In the other hand, Trask (1957: 179), Tarigan (1986) and Gleitman are more focused on the production (synthesis) and recognition (analysis), so it is more competitive.
B. Dimension of Psychology in Language
1. The Controversion of Rasionalist-Empiric
The appearance of behaviorism is a part of the reaction to the shape of structuralism in America. This theory defends "the originality of experimental approach target" and as the denial to the introspection as reliable method.
2. Perception and Memory in Language
3. Thinking and Learning
Learning is a process where a behavior appears or fixed through a sequence of reaction or situation (or stimulus) which takes place.
4. Knowledge of self-achievement
5. Transfer; i.e. the knowledge which we have learnt before that affect our result of learning process.
Kinds of thinking:
- Associative thinking
- Controlled thinking
6. Thinking and Language
C. The Theory of Transformation in Language
The theory of transformation was found by Noam Chomsky of M.I.T in his book: Syntactic Structures, in 1957. This theory developed since 1957 to 1965, when Chomsky published his second book, Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Emmon Bach explained that stage as: "Classical Transformation Grammar".
In 1933, Leonard Bloomfield, a linguist published a book about his behaviourism views about facts of languages, i.e. "stimulus and response" or
Sà + Rà.
Bloomfield stated two fundamentals: phonem and morphem. George L. Trager regulated the teaching of "separating of stages" which produces "pre-condition of grammatical analysis" as Kenneth L. Pike inquired.
D. The Theory of Classical Transformation
Here are the describtion of transformation theory, taken from Syntactic Structure of Noam Chomsky's.
The development of language and the cognitive development.
Cognitive aspects of language learning.
Piaget's theory as explanatory cognitive theory.
The era of senses movement.
The era of pre-operational.
The era of concrete operation.
The era of formal operation.
The relevance of Piaget's theory to language learning.
E. Empiric Approach in Language Learning
- Psychological Theory of Skinner's and Linguistics Theory of Bloomfield
The most important statements are:
Language as one form of bodily behaviour.
In analyzing languages, Bloomfield distinguish: first stimulus, response "r", an event occurred after a response (r), "R", the sequence of stimulus and response (S ------ r <=> s------R), the emphasizement to mechanistic process and the element of language rather than mentalistic process.
- Language as the form of manner
- Language learning principles in empiric way.
F. Rational Approach in Language Learning
- Rasionalism view about language
- Language is ethic
- Ethic of language is the fact of psychology
- An alive language is a language to think of
G. The Competence and Performance
Competence is a knowledge owned by language speaker about his language and it shows the object of generative grammar; it is intrinsic, implicit, intuitive, and limitted.
Performance of linguistics is concerned with the cognitive process, awareness and understanding process, which are used by individu in the using of linguistics knowledge in actual way.
Psycholinguistics is more than studying language, but a study how humans learn language through language acquisition since they are still young until grow up by psychological activities.
Based on behaviorism theory, it is true that language is not merely sound symbols with meanings, but also a result from what we call as the “S-R Formula”, that language are “practice events” in the form of “response” from a “stimulus”.
That is, in my opinion, psycholinguistics views the definition of language. The definition which is out of that context (which is more systematic) is the definition of language from linguistics’ point of view, rather than the definition of language in common.
In fact, Piaget argued that humans have developed their language cognitive competence since they are about two years old. In this age, children have experienced their language cognitive development. And in their teenage, humans have been able to understand language not only “what” but also “what possibility”.
The rationalists argued that all humans naturally supplied with the ability to speak (or to use language). A child who is born in Indonesia must be able to speak Indonesia, and a child who is born in England must be able to speak English. It shows that basically everyone has ability to speak (to use a language).
Language competence and performance are different, but they depend on each other. Language competence is an ability/knowledge which exists in someone in using their language, semantically and grammatically. Language performance is how someone implement his linguistics ability in producing meaningful sentences.
Hartman and Stork (1994: 189), Sharad (2000: 149), and Varshney (185: 295) have similarity in conclulding what psycholinguisticx is: a branch of linguistics which studies the relationship between the manner of psychology and language. Then this science uses a concept of linguistics to explain the process of psychology concerned with language acquisition and language use.
In the other hand, Trask (1957: 179), Tarigan (1986) and Gleitman are more focused on the production (synthesis) and recognition (analysis), so it is more competitive.
B. Dimension of Psychology in Language
1. The Controversion of Rasionalist-Empiric
The appearance of behaviorism is a part of the reaction to the shape of structuralism in America. This theory defends "the originality of experimental approach target" and as the denial to the introspection as reliable method.
2. Perception and Memory in Language
3. Thinking and Learning
Learning is a process where a behavior appears or fixed through a sequence of reaction or situation (or stimulus) which takes place.
4. Knowledge of self-achievement
5. Transfer; i.e. the knowledge which we have learnt before that affect our result of learning process.
Kinds of thinking:
- Associative thinking
- Controlled thinking
6. Thinking and Language
C. The Theory of Transformation in Language
The theory of transformation was found by Noam Chomsky of M.I.T in his book: Syntactic Structures, in 1957. This theory developed since 1957 to 1965, when Chomsky published his second book, Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Emmon Bach explained that stage as: "Classical Transformation Grammar".
In 1933, Leonard Bloomfield, a linguist published a book about his behaviourism views about facts of languages, i.e. "stimulus and response" or
Sà + Rà.
Bloomfield stated two fundamentals: phonem and morphem. George L. Trager regulated the teaching of "separating of stages" which produces "pre-condition of grammatical analysis" as Kenneth L. Pike inquired.
D. The Theory of Classical Transformation
Here are the describtion of transformation theory, taken from Syntactic Structure of Noam Chomsky's.
The development of language and the cognitive development.
Cognitive aspects of language learning.
Piaget's theory as explanatory cognitive theory.
The era of senses movement.
The era of pre-operational.
The era of concrete operation.
The era of formal operation.
The relevance of Piaget's theory to language learning.
E. Empiric Approach in Language Learning
- Psychological Theory of Skinner's and Linguistics Theory of Bloomfield
The most important statements are:
Language as one form of bodily behaviour.
In analyzing languages, Bloomfield distinguish: first stimulus, response "r", an event occurred after a response (r), "R", the sequence of stimulus and response (S ------ r <=> s------R), the emphasizement to mechanistic process and the element of language rather than mentalistic process.
- Language as the form of manner
- Language learning principles in empiric way.
F. Rational Approach in Language Learning
- Rasionalism view about language
- Language is ethic
- Ethic of language is the fact of psychology
- An alive language is a language to think of
G. The Competence and Performance
Competence is a knowledge owned by language speaker about his language and it shows the object of generative grammar; it is intrinsic, implicit, intuitive, and limitted.
Performance of linguistics is concerned with the cognitive process, awareness and understanding process, which are used by individu in the using of linguistics knowledge in actual way.
Psycholinguistics is more than studying language, but a study how humans learn language through language acquisition since they are still young until grow up by psychological activities.
Based on behaviorism theory, it is true that language is not merely sound symbols with meanings, but also a result from what we call as the “S-R Formula”, that language are “practice events” in the form of “response” from a “stimulus”.
That is, in my opinion, psycholinguistics views the definition of language. The definition which is out of that context (which is more systematic) is the definition of language from linguistics’ point of view, rather than the definition of language in common.
In fact, Piaget argued that humans have developed their language cognitive competence since they are about two years old. In this age, children have experienced their language cognitive development. And in their teenage, humans have been able to understand language not only “what” but also “what possibility”.
The rationalists argued that all humans naturally supplied with the ability to speak (or to use language). A child who is born in Indonesia must be able to speak Indonesia, and a child who is born in England must be able to speak English. It shows that basically everyone has ability to speak (to use a language).
Language competence and performance are different, but they depend on each other. Language competence is an ability/knowledge which exists in someone in using their language, semantically and grammatically. Language performance is how someone implement his linguistics ability in producing meaningful sentences.
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